In less than 72 hours, we’ll be all packed up and done with the shore component of the program. Honestly, I can’t believe how quickly these 6 weeks have already passed by, but I wanted to take a moment to reflect and document a bit about what the day-to-day looked like so I can look back on it later - especially before the craziness and excitement of the upcoming sea component causes me to forget these moments.

So, the day-to-day. Might be exciting for some (hi Mom and Dad!), might be relatively mundane for others. In any case, here’s photos of what I’ve been seeing on a daily basis if you’re interested!

A view of the cottages on the way back from class

There are 5 cottages on campus, and our class is divided up between 3 of them. I live in B house with 8 other housemates (they’ve been the best, we sometimes joke that B stands for best house), and we cook, clean, study, and have fun together.

Impromptu evening House B McDonalds ice cream run (everywhere else was closed for the season)

If you’d like to read more about what cooking with 8 people has been like, see my post here about the food we’ve made!

As for classes, they’ve been a mix of lectures, classroom activities, movie nights, and the occasional field trip - basically what I’d consider a standard school schedule with more field trips and movie nights than normal mixed in. Everyone’s taking the same 3 classes and have the choice of taking 1 or 2 other electives (there are 3 elective options), which means most people’s class schedules look pretty similar. People talk a lot about how it feels like highschool since we’re in class most of the day, but hey - soon we’ll be on a boat, so we’re not complaining too much.

Madden Center - where we take all of our classes

View of the cottages from the Madden Center

One of the SEA staff brought her dog Bridget during one of our class breaks - she became an instant favorite!

Etasha, Marija (not pictured), and I made a snowman...there wasn't that much snow

S-290 Class Photo