Originally, I was going to lump this in with my post about the shore component but it ended up completely flooding it with food photos. So more on food here!

We’re given gift cards to pay for groceries for the week, and have arranged it so that 2 people are responsible for making dinner each night. The food that we’ve made has been pretty awesome, and although it was one of my primary concerns when moving in, it’s worked out well. During the first week of classes, I wrote a blog post about our initial experiences here if you’d like to take a look!

Some highlights:

My housemate Gillian next to the fried rice she made

Bread made from scratch! Featuring Matthew, another one of my housemates

Bean burgers made by Gillian and I

Homemade pizza

Of course, nothing would be complete without an occasional prank…

Who colored my orange juice blue... and have you ever had pink sour cream?

This last week, we had quite a bit of extra money left on our food budget, so we decided to step up our game a notch.

Homemade sushi for dinner!

A beautifully laid out cheese board, creds to Annabel!

We had a lot of other awesome dishes including roast chicken, stuffed bell peppers, spaghetti + meatballs, bean chili, among others, but I can’t seem to find the photos for all of those. If I find them later I’ll add them in.

On another note, I think that’s enough about food, now I want a snack…