The day we’ve all been waiting for, today we board the Robert C. Seamans!

There she is! View of the ship from Princes Wharf

After boarding the ship, I moved my stuff to my bunk then walked around and looked at different areas of the ship. Gotta make the most of arriving early - it’s going to get pretty crowded here soon.

For storage, we each get one cubby for stuff, one drawer for shoes, and everything that doesn’t fit in those two places goes in the bunk. The cubby is only around a cubic foot and a half in size, so my backpack and duffel definitely didn’t fit inside it. Guess where it is - it’s next to me in my bunk. I don’t have a really large frame though, so it works out alright.

Home sweet home for the next few weeks - my bunk is in the lower left

After everything was put away, I walked around the ship and snapped some photos.

Lines on the port side of the boat - can't wait to learn what these do!

The ship's quarterdeck with Princes Wharf in the background

Wet lab - for science!

"Wayne's World" - an assortment of tools for making repairs on-board

A handful of us who arrived a bit earlier got to stand on the head rigging and attach a cover to the jib. How’s that for some day 1 activity?

Day 1 work with the space needle in the background

We’ll be around Auckland for the next few days to learn more about the ship and the city before getting underway, so stay tuned for that!