SEA has an assortment of bikes we can borrow to explore the area with, and it’s been a really awesome resource so far! Did need to fix a flat tire before heading out, but there were plenty of tools and replacement parts so it wasn’t an issue. (Got to put that engineering degree to work!)

Woods Hole on a map

Woods Hole is a really nice area with lots of beaches, bike paths, and summer homes. I’ve taken the bikes out a handful of times, and while the scenery has been nice, it’s also been fairly chilly (especially considering I’m from L.A.).

Racing Beach, ~5 mins from campus. Would love to go for a swim if it weren't 30°F out...

Stating the obvious for those who live where it snows, but ice on the road is a lot more slippery on a bike than I had imagined it to be. It’s so hard to find lakes, rivers, or bodies of water around where I live (I live in a SoCal desert), so this was a pleasant change.

Oyster Pond

Shining Sea bike path alongside the beach

Another photo of the Shining Sea bike path alongside the beach

Spohr Gardens - rock garden next to the biking trail

A really nice driveway - I can only imagine what it's like to come home to this every day

I also saw this nice rock along a trail…

It's just a rock - bike in frame for scale

and this really nifty stick art sculpture…

Cool stick art thing

Well, that’s a summary of all the cool/pretty looking things from my bike rides so far. I have two more weeks here, let me know if you know of any other cool things to look at within biking distance to Woods Hole!